The Hottest Shoe Styles to Wear For Spring!

How to wear spring's shoe trends like your favorite stars.

Are you ready to kick off those winter booties?!

Get refreshed for spring with new shoe styles like gladiator sandals, embellished flats, and more. This season's footwear fashion is all about easy-to-wear stand out styles and we’re breaking down how to rock each trend.

Gladiator sandals are back and look great with all of spring’s favorite pieces from maxi skirts to wide leg trousers. Ease into the trend with a strappy flat that will pair nicely with shorts, dresses, cropped pants and skirts. For a sexy bold look, style like Jennifer Lopez with knee-high gladiator heels and a leather skirt, accented with a thigh high slit.

VIDEO: 5 Spring Styles You'll Love from Rihanna, Zendaya & More!

You can also take a break from your 6-inch heels by slipping on some stylish flats. Fashionista Alexa Chung is a fan of the relaxed style, always sporting the latest designs on red carpets and showing us just how versatile this trend really is. Look for embellishments and creative details, like feathers, tapered toes, slingbacks and ankle straps.

When you’re ready to add a little height to your look, strut in disco glam platforms or flatforms like Nicki Minaj and Jessica Alba with dramatic colors and patterns. Wear them with billowy trousers and knee-length dresses for a look that is both chic and edgy. Block heels will also elevate your look without losing the comfort. Want to create a hippie chic vibe? Pairing these chunky heels with flowy romantic dresses.

VIDEO: Jennifer Aniston, Nicki Minaj, and Jessica Alba Strut in the Latest Boot Trends

Check out the video to see the stars in these styles!

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