Kim Cattrall Says She's 'Never Been Friends' With Her 'Sex and the City' Co-Stars

Kim Cattrall is getting candid about her real-life relationship with her 'Sex and the City' co-stars.

Kim Cattrall is getting candid about her real-life relationship with her Sex and the City co-stars.

Cattrall recently appeared on ITV's Piers Morgan’s Life Stories, and in a newly released excerpt from the upcoming interview, Cattrall says she never had a close friendship with her on-screen best friends -- Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis.

"We’ve never been friends," Cattrall said, according to The Daily Mail. "We‘ve been colleagues and in some ways, it’s a very healthy place to be because then you have a clear line between your professional life and relationship and your personal."

"They all have children and I am 10 years older, and since, specifically, the series ended, I have been spending most of my time outside of New York, so, I don’t see them," the 61-year-old actress continued. "The common ground that we had was the series, and the series is over."

Cattrall did admit that she wish her co-stars would try harder to keep in touch, after sharing that she couldn't even recall the last time she had spoken to them.

"And that’s another thing that’s really disappointing, is that nobody ever picks up the phone and tries to contact you and say, ‘How you doing?’" she shared.

In the revealing interview, Cattrall also claimed that the busy schedule of the show impacted her decision to not have children. She said she considered undergoing IVF with her third husband, Mark Levinson, when she first started filming the HBO series, but reconsidered after experiencing grueling working hours.

"That was my early 40s and I had just started filming Sex and the City, the chances of getting pregnant with these procedures was, everyone was talking about it," Cattrall recalled. "But, I thought to myself, ‘Wow, I have 19-hour days on this series. I have weekends where I finish at Saturday morning. My Monday morning would start at 4.45 a.m. and go to one or two in the morning."

"How could I possible continue to do that, especially in my early 40s?" she continued. "And then I realized what a commitment it was just to do the procedures. I thought, 'I don’t think this is going to happen.' It was the first moment -- it was extraordinary -- in my life where I thought, 'Maybe I’m just not going to do this.'"

Cattrall said she now dedicates herself to mentoring young actresses.

"Yes, I think it’s part of being a woman to have that," she replied when asked if she felt maternal. "But obviously fate, timing, luck, destiny -- I don’t know --  and that’s when I started mentoring young actresses. In particular, that’s where I thought I have a place to be a mom here -- not a biological mom, but a mom and an auntie and a friend."

Earlier this month, Cattrall clapped back at a fan on Twitter, and said she was moving on from playing her SATC character, Samantha. 

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