Ladies of 'Star Trek Into Darkness' 'Chick Out'

Ladies of 'Star Trek Into Darkness' 'Chick Out'

Zoe Saldana held her own as Uhura in 2009's Star Trek, the only woman among the men in the key cast, so she was more than happy to welcome another female presence in Star Trek Into Darkness in the form of Alice Eve, who plays newcomer Carol Marcus.

"She's my kind of girl," gushes Zoe with a smile. "She's very feminine, very posh, she's very English, but she can keep up with the boys, and she's very witty, very intelligent, but I was able to 'chick out' with her. … I like girls like that."

Alice tells ET that despite literally falling on her butt the first day that she entered the Enterprise set, she felt like she was welcomed with open arms by Zoe and the rest of the cast and crew.

"You know it's like a first day in school: Before you go, you're nervous all summer, really," she explains. "And then after the first day you feel like you've always been there. It was a bit like that."

In Star Trek Into Darkness, in IMAX 3D and conventional theaters everywhere May 16, Uhura and Marcus must hold their ground alongside Kirk (Chris Pine), Spock (Zachary Quinto) and the rest of the Enterprise crew as they battle a powerful and deadly new enemy, John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch).

Video: 'Star Trek' Stars Take on "Warp Speed Round"

Watch the video to hear Alice's best Cumberbatch impersonation, and to see whether or not she and Zoe consider themselves rule followers or rebels.