Shia LaBeouf Hits Red Carpet with Bag on Head

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Shia LaBeouf Hits Red Carpet with Bag on Head

Subsequent to his plagiarism scandal and announcing last month that he was considering an early retirement, Shia LaBeouf drew more attention to himself in Berlin this weekend by sporting a paper bag on his head at the premiere of his controversial new NC-17 film, Nymphomaniac -- and storming off from the press conference after being asked only one question.

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On the red carpet, the 27-year-old star's bag accessory to his black tuxedo displayed the words "I am not famous anymore" -- which he has declared on his Twitter account several times over the past few weeks. At the film's press conference, when asked about his multiple sex scenes in the Lars von Trier film, The Hollywood Reporter says that Shia reportedly declared, before walking off, "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. Thank you very much."

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Last month, Shia said that he was considering retiring from "public" fame after his December debacle in which the actor was accused of plagiarizing some of his short film and allegedly plagiarizing his apology for such actions. He later took to skywriting an apology to Daniel Clowes, who wrote and created the comic Justin M. Damiano that Shia took from.