Franco Seduces Teenage Girl In 'Palo Alto'

James Franco and Emma Roberts have an illicit affair in their indie film 'Palo Alto.'

Gia Coppola, granddaughter of Godfather director Francis Ford Coppola, has made her directorial debut with the slice of life coming of age drama Palo Alto, which has released a new trailer after its recent poster release last week.

Based on a series of short stories written by James Franco, Palo Alto follows the lives of a number of jaded, disaffected high schoolers trying to navigate the obstacles in their lives.

RELATED: James Franco Addresses Real-Life Teenage Sex Scandal

Emma Roberts plays April, an emotional young woman inexperienced with love and sex. She likes a boy in school, but quickly falls for the inappropriate sexual advances of her adult soccer coach, played by Franco.

The trailer captures the melodic ennui of youth and promises to present a realistic look at teenage life in the eponymous town of Palo Alto, California.

Palo Alto
hits theaters in limited release May 9. Will you see this movie?