Kristen Stewart Joins the Army in First Trailer for 'Camp X-Ray'


Brooding Kristen Stewart is back on-screen.

IFC Films released the first trailer for Kristen Stewart's Camp X-Ray Friday, in which the Twilight star, 24, plays a young guard at Guantanamo Bay who forms an unlikely friendship with a detainee who has been imprisoned there for eight years.

Not surprising given the subject matter, Stewart appears more intense than ever in her role as Private Amy Cole, donning camouflage gear and minimal makeup.

Video: Watch Kristen Stewart and Anne Hathaway Break-Dance in Drag

"Never at any point have I sat down and plotted how I should proceed from here on," she recently told Elle about her unconventional career choices. "As soon as you start thinking about your career as a trajectory -- like, as if you're going to miss out on some wave or momentum -- then you're never doing anything for yourself anyway. Then you're truly, actually, specifically working for the public. You're turning yourself into a bag of chips."

Related: Kristen Stewart Is Not Your Bag of Chips

Also starring Prison Break's Lane Garrison, Camp X-Ray hits theaters October 17.