Will.i.am 'Joining Forces' with Michelle Obama

Will.i.am 'Joining Forces' with Michelle Obama

Will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas is teaming up with First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden for Joining Forces, a campaign to support servicemembers and their families.

Will.i.am presents a call to action in a new PSA for the initiative, asking what we can all do to help. "All of these brave and courageous people leave behind a family, people who need a little help to make it through the day," he points out.

"Imagine what we can do to support them, if we start joining forces?" the musician continues.

Michelle Obama told ET that everyone has an opportunity to help a military family: "It can be something as small as knowing who the military families are in your community and reaching out and mowing a lawn," or something like offering to take over a carpool or "baking a cake, saying thank you, acknowledging their presence."

Watch the PSA for more, and to learn more about how you can help, visit www.joiningforces.gov.