The Only Thing That Will Make This Baby Stop Crying Is Taylor Swift


"I got a blank space, baby, and I'll--" Please stop crying!!

There are some parents who probably want to cry when they hear Taylor Swift. That’s not shade, it’s just that 13-year-olds really, really love Taylor Swift and play her music nonstop all day every day forever.

This is one parent for who Taylor Swift is sweet, sweet relief.

Erica Black
recorded this video of her 6-month-old daughter, Rosie, instantly being soothed by “Blank Space.” One second Rosie is crying like a nightmare dressed like a daydream, but as soon as she hears those first beats, there’s not a tear in sight. Praise Taylor!

Something about a psycho ex-girlfriend getting revenge just calms her.

NEWS: Why Taylor will never, ever, ever talk about Katy Perry again

Taylor might be developing a minor case of baby fever. First, she was named godmother of her friend Jaime King’s baby and seems way pumped about it. Now she sees this video and loves (LOVES) it:

Just be careful, moms of the world. It starts with some Taylor Swift to make your daughter stop sobbing. Then you’re hearing “Shake It Off” over and over and over on repeat while your 2-year-old adorably lip syncs. Then it’s 10 years later and you hear can recite every Taylor Swift lyric and you hear her voice in your sleep.

Meanwhile, Lady Gaga tells T.Swift her Prince Charming is coming: