Behind the Scenes of J.Lo's 'Shapely' Photo Shoot


Behind the Scenes of J.Lo's 'Shapely' Photo Shoot

Singer, actress and American Idol judge Jennifer Lopez takes on another gig in a new video -- Vogue cover model.

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The clip, which goes behind the scenes of J.Lo's recent photo shoot for the magazine's annual April Shape Issue, also features J.Lo revealing her secrets to staying fit.

"I do a lot of dancing when I'm doing my shows and my videos, so that helps keep me in shape," said J.Lo. "But when I have to, I do buckle down and get in the gym."

The Grammy winner went on to reveal that although she's not as skinny your average runway model, that's not her goal.

"I'm not a size zero or two," said J.Lo. "I think it's more about being healthy and feeling good about yourself."

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In the article, J.Lo refrains revealing too much about her relationship with Casper Smart, but her manager Benny Medina, says, "She's not oblivious to her own reality right now, as in, Damn, I'm 42 with a 24-year-old. Why? We talked about it yesterday. She was just like, 'It's not even the age, Benny. It's actually that I just came out of a relationship where I felt like I was kind of not getting what I needed. And I'm open! So somebody who steps in right now and is actually touching me in a way -- it's very fertile ground!' "

Vogue's April issue, on stands Friday, coincides with the launch of the magazine's digital edition.