'What If' Stars Reveal Relationship Deal Breakers & Ping Pong Skills


Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan ask each other the tough questions.

Daniel Radcliffe stars in his first romantic role in What If, opening this weekend, but there was no love lost between himself and his co-star Zoe Kazan when we pit them against each other in a fierce game of ping pong.

In the movie, Radcliffe plays Wallace, a med school dropout who's been burned repeatedly by bad relationships. Taking a break from the dating scene, he meets the perfect girl in Chantry (Kazan). Of course, after he gets his hopes up, she casually drops the "boyfriend" bomb and asks to be friends. But there's no denying that the two have chemistry, and they find themselves facing the When Harry Met Sally conundrum: Can men and women just be friends?

During our time with the stars they shifted from a competitive game of table tennis to some figurative ping-ponging, asking each other the tough questions. Watch the video to find out what Kazan considers to be a deal breaker when it comes to romantic relationships.

What If opens August 8.