Will Mark Zuckerberg's Book Club Be The Largest Ever?

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It's the latest in digital book clubs.

Mark Zuckerberg is following through on a New Year's resolution.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is starting his very own book club, and he's inviting us all to it.


On his Facebook page, he writes that his challenge is to read a new book every other week this year, and so he created the community, "A Year of Books" to let everyone know what he's reading.

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In what may just become the world's largest book club, the page already has over 100,000 "likes".

The books "will emphasize learning about new cultures, beliefs, histories and technologies." These are not only books that Mark wants to read though as he says "suggestions for new books to read are always welcome."

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To start off the year, the first book is The End of Power by Moises Naim, a book already out of stock on Amazon.

While the discussions are moderated, it sounds like there will be a lot of notifications!

Will you join his book club? Let us know using #ETnow.

Flashback to Jesse Eisenberg's breakout role as Mark Zuckerberg in the video below.

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