Mo'ne Davis Is Getting Her Own Disney Channel Movie

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'Throw Like Mo' in development at the cable network.

Mo’ne Davis
is getting her own movie!

Disney Channel is moving forward with Throw Like Mo, a television movie chronicling the 13-year-old baseball prodigy’s inspiring story. In August 2014, Davis made headlines when she became the first female to pitch a shutout in the Little League World Series.

Davis, who is the first Little League player to land the cover of Sports Illustrated, will serve as a consultant, along with the female-focused espnW.

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As expected, Davis was beyond ecstatic by the new project, which she hopes “will encourage other viewers to believe that dreams really do come true.”

“There are so many great things happening to me right now,” she said in a statement. “A year ago, I never would have thought that Disney Channel would make a movie about me.”

Deborah Martin Chase
(The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) will serve as an executive producer, while Sheldon Caids and Justin Wilson will pen the screenplay.

The question now is: Who should play Davis? Tell us who you think should play the young athlete!

Watch Will Ferrell take the mound during MLB spring training below.