This Boy Bander Sang a Duet With His Baby and It's the Cutest Thing Ever


We love baby Buzz!

You probably remember baby Buzz from that cuuuute video where he sees a dandelion for the first time and can’t stop giggling. Well, it makes sense that since his dad is in a boy band -- Tom Fletcher of McFly (think One Direction, but with less baby mama drama) -- it would only be a matter of time before we got to hear Buzz sing.

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We already knew Buzz could dance...

But Tom recently recorded their father-son duet to The Commodores’ “Easy”:

If you’ve heard a more darling cover of “Easy,” tell us where, because HOW?

WATCH: This Hilarious Baby Gets Called Out By His Mom for Fake Crying

Buzz’s face here was our reaction when we realized it’s only 20 seconds long:

If it’s not too much trouble, can we get a full-length cover? Until then, replay!

Speaking of babies, Ice T and Coco are expecting one of their own!