Have You Ever Seen Anything Sweeter Than This Naughty Dog Begging for Forgiveness?


Co-starring a hot Italian guy!

Who’s a bad boy? Who’s a bad boy??

Anthony Federica Granai
recently uploaded this video to Facebook of his dog, Ettore, begging for forgiveness in the most adorable way.

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Posted by Anthony Federica Granai on Monday, September 14, 2015

No word on what Ettore did to warrant this much guilt, but the video has been viewed over 26 million times. It’s not surprising why.


WATCH: Rihanna Found a Puppy at the Club and Decided to Keep Him

Because it also doubles as a thirst trap: Ettore is so, so sweet, but the icing on this video is the fact that Anthony is hot AF. We’d be naughty too, if it meant getting scolded in Italian.


Anyway, in the end, Anthony forgives Ettore, and we audibly “aww”-ed IRL.


Basically, it’s the opposite of this Vine, appropriately titled “Puppy caught eating paper decides killing witness is the only way out.”

That might be more effective, though.

Now, watch Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting get covered in puppies and nearly die of excitement: