Inside the Mass Moon Wedding Phenomenon

Inside the Mass Moon Wedding Phenomenon

Christened the "Mass Moon Wedding," 2,500-plus couples gather yearly for the legendary group marriage ceremony in South Korea, and ET's got your sneak peek at the TLC documentary going inside the bridal phenomenon.

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Officiated by the Unification Church's founder and self-declared messiah, Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the 90-minute ceremony attracts couples from around the world looking to exchange nuptials or renew their vows in the presence of the holy one and his wife. Additionally, as many as 2,700 more soon-to-be newlyweds join in on the service via the internet.

While the church has suffered criticism for its alleged cult-like practices since its founding in 1954, the now 92-year-old leader has been officiating his follower's weddings, nicknamed "moonies," for decades. Most are often pre-arranged shortly before the mass ceremony, with some meeting hardly a handful of times before taking the plunge.

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The TLC doc, airing Sunday July 8, follows three of these young couples en route to tie the knot.

Catch a sneak peek in the player above!