'Teen Wolf' Exclusive Sneak Peek: 'Visionary'

'Teen Wolf' Exclusive Sneak Peek: 'Visionary'

Last night's episode of Teen Wolf ended by unveiling Scott's True Alpha potential, getting Derek's hands dirty and placing Allison at her grandfather's door. All of those elements will come to a startling head in next week's episode, Visionary -- and ETonline has an exclusive first look at the flashback episode!

VIDEO - Keahue Kahuanui Talks Dethan

Focusing on a 15-year-old Derek, Visionary sheds new light on the man fans have come to know -- and love -- over the last two seasons, and reveals how Deucalion actually played an early role in Derek's development.

VIDEO - Tyler Posey Opens Up About Scott's Journey

Watch ETonline's exclusive sneak peek and tune in to Teen Wolf every Monday at 10 p.m. on MTV.