Stop Everything! Prince George's Official Christmas Photos Are Adorable

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Will and Kate have some new pics to share!

Prince George's official Christmas photos are here! The cute, chubby cheeked royal could not get any cuter as he poses in a courtyard at Kensington Palace.

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The three photos were taken in late November in London, but his parents, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (aka Will and Kate) only released them today.

Prince George's 1st Birthday

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The last photos that were shared of the little prince were from his first birthday in July when his parents joined him for pics in the Natural History Museum with butterflies.

NEWS: Prince George Is a Busy Baby

Will and Kate were recently in America for a whirlwind two-day trip, during which, and they created some royal fever as they took over the Big Apple. While Will also met with President Obama in Washington, DC, to discuss U.S.-UK relations, his pregnant wife Kate spent time wrapping presents for disadvantaged children in Harlem.

Prince George is expected to have a little brother or sister in April of next year.

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