Dad Gives His Kids Horrible Christmas Presents, Records Their Unexpected Reactions


You need to see how this girl reacts to her new onion.

There are things every kid would love to get for Christmas (a pony, pretty much anything Frozen related). And there are certain things you can pretty much guarantee no kid wants. Like an onion. Or a banana.

Which is what one dad gave his kids. “As we approach Christmas I wonder if my children realize how fortunate they are when they are inevitably spoilt rotten on Christmas Day,” dad Tim Cocker says. “I decided to let them have one early gift 2 weeks before Christmas. One completely terrible gift that is.”

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Like every kid ever, they’re thrilled to be opening a Christmas present:

And then they’re...kind of confused. And then amused. And then SO EXCITED about their new banana and onion! Stick around til; the end and they actually thank their dad for the so-called terrible gifts.

You need to watch the video, because the GIFs don’t do one part justice: We haven’t told you yet, but the best part of the video is that the kids are British. There is nothing more adorable than a little kid with a British accent.

PHOTOS: Speaking of cute British Prince George portraits!

If this seems like a perfect prank for Jimmy Kimmel — the “I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy” of the Christmas season — it’s because it is. This video is actually from 2011, not coincidentally the same year Jimmy Kimmel put out “I Gave My Kids a Terrible Present.”

We’re not sure why Jimmy abandoned this prank, but if it would produce more clips like this, we’re officially asking for a resurrection. Because how cute! And polite! That would not be a terrible gift at all.

Keeping with the holiday spirit, enjoy ET’s Christmas playlist. You’re welcome!