Melissa Joan Hart Celebrates Her 20th Wedding Anniversary by Doing Charity Work in Zambia (Exclusive)

The actress, her husband and their three kids are doing what they can to make a difference in people's lives.

Melissa Joan Hart and her family are doing what they can to make a difference in people's lives.

The actress and her husband, Mark Wilkerson, celebrated their 20th anniversary by traveling to Zambia with their three sons -- Mason, 17, Braydon, 15, and Tucker, 10 -- to give back and help out.

"I think this is so important for our boys to see that there are other parts of the world that are struggling, other parts of the world that are able to be developed and enriched," Hart shared in an exclusive with ET from Zambia, "and that we can do so much good with our time, our energy, our money to be able to help out people in need."

"It's better to give than to receive, and I think we saw that this week," she added, with a smile.

Hart's family -- in collaboration with the nonprofit charity organization World Vision -- traveled to Zambia once again, after previously going in August 2019, and they were stunned by how much had changed for the better.

"This is our second trip to Zambia and we've just seen such a difference between four years ago and now," she shared. "We donated a well, and now we were able to see that well in progress and now they have clean water to cook and clean and just take care of their family."

ET was invited in 2019 to join Hart and her family for their first trip to Zambia, and the actress explained at the time why she wants to share her experiences with the world.

"What's been great about this trip is with World Vision, we've been able to go out and help so many. Just by sponsoring the children that we sponsor, that helps the whole village that they live in. ... And just by being here and witnessing and advocating and going back home and telling our stories -- I know, like, three of my friends have already sponsored children -- that's our hope, that we get more people involved with World Vision, to sponsor, to gift, and to really make a difference in these people's lives," she shared.

As for their trip this time around, it happened to land on the couple's 20th anniversary -- which Hart said she nearly forgot about.

"We just celebrated our 20th anniversary. We kind of forgot about it for a second, with everything going on," Hart joked.

"I have to say that I didn't! I reminded her," Wilkerson said with a laugh. "So if I can just get that on record."

"I know Hollywood marriages are not supposed to last that long," Hart said, to which Wilkerson explained, "I don't think we have a Hollywood marriage."

As for the secret to their marital success, Hart explained, "I think it really comes from trust and love... and you know you've got to ride out the lows to enjoy the highs, and that's what we do."