Alyssa Milano Shows Post-Coronavirus Hair Loss in New Video

The actress filmed a video for her social media followers showing how she is experiencing hair loss.

Alyssa Milano is opening up about the ongoing impact of her battle with the coronavirus. The 47-year-old actress filmed a video for her social media followers showing how she is experiencing hair loss -- months on from her initial COVID-19 symptoms.

“I just wanted to show you the amount of hair coming out of my head as a result of COVID," she said, before running her favorite detangling brush through her long locks. She took three swipes through her hair with the brush, then showed the clumps of hair that slipped out by doing so.

Further brushing led to even more strands of hair coming out.

“One brushing -- this is my hair loss from COVID-19,” she concluded, holding up the clumps of hair to the camera once she was done. “Wear a damn mask.”

When posting the video, Milano used the hashtag “#LongHauler,” which is believed to refer to coronavirus patients who continue to experience symptoms months after their diagnosis.

In another tweet, she wrote that “65% of COVID-19 survivors surveyed report experiencing hair loss, among other long-term effects.”

Milano also advised anyone recovering from the coronavirus who is still experiencing symptoms to get a chest CT scan, cardiac MRI and blood work as per her doctors’ recommendations.

Milano revealed she had been battling the coronavirus and its ongoing effects in two recent social media posts.

She explained that she was “acutely sick” with COVID-19 symptoms earlier in the year, yet tested negative for the virus and negative for antibodies in March.

“I had never been this kind of sick,” she said. “Everything hurt. Loss of smell. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t keep food in me. I lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks. I was confused. Low grade fever. And the headaches were horrible. I basically had every Covid symptom.”

Four months later, Milano tested positive for antibodies, confirming she had in fact been suffering from the virus. She says she is still suffering health complications, which she believes are related to the illness. The latest setback sent her to the emergency room on Friday.

“I still have many symptoms. I am what they call a ‘long hauler,’” she tweeted on Saturday. “Last night, I had real heaviness in my chest. I went to the ER just to make sure it wasn’t a blood clot. Thankfully, it wasn’t.”

“This virus sucks. Please take it seriously,” she added.

See more on Milano and other celebrities who have tested positive for COVID-19, below.