Jessie James Decker Talks 11 Years With Eric Decker and Life on Tour (Exclusive)

The mom of three is ready to hit the road with her husband and kids!

Jessie James Decker has a lot to look forward to. ET's Rachel Smith was exclusively at the 33-year-old singer's tour rehearsal in Nashville, and got the inside scoop of her marriage to Eric Decker, her life as a mom of three, and her excitement about performing live once again.

ET's interview with the country singer came the same day that she was celebrating 11 years with her love, with whom she tied the knot in 2013. The "day of celebration" was made even sweeter when the couple's 4-year-old son, Forrest, was born on the same day. They are also parents to Vivianne, 8, and Eric, 6.

We met 11 years ago today and little did we know our last baby would be born today," Decker said, before revealing what her husband did to mark the special milestone.

"I woke up to this big bouquet of roses from him. They're beautiful," she gushed. "I was not expecting it. I was like, 'Oh my God, you're so sweet that you like acknowledged it'... We're very lucky to have found each other."

As for her kids, Decker said that "they are amazing."

"I just wake up every day just so excited just to be their mom," she said. "I really do. I'm like, 'Oh my God, I get to just be with them again today.' It's just the greatest feeling."

The ability to have her tots join her on the road when her tour kicks off on April 14, is one of many reasons she's excited for the adventure.

"I don’t know that I would be able to do this if they couldn’t come with me. I would just be sad. I don’t know if I would enjoy it to the fullest as I should. I’m just too attached. I can’t be without them for more than a couple of days," she admitted, before sharing her kids' favorite part about life on the road.

"The kids all pick their bunk, so they get really excited about it," Decker said. "During the days when I am rehearsing or I need a little bit of rest from the night before, Eric will find really fun places for the kids to go... It's just fun."

The three kids also enjoy watching their mom onstage, and Decker loves having them there -- even if it is a bit of a distraction from time-to-time.

"They really do love it. They’re proud of me. I’m thinking about them the whole time," she said. "I do get a little distracted sometimes. There’s been times where I’ve been on stage, and I see Vivianne over there without the ears, and I’m in the middle of a song and pop over [to say], 'She needs to put her ears on!' or  'He’s getting tired. He needs to go to bed.' I need to stay focused, but my audience, they know me. They know that I’m a mom first."

Though motherhood is her most important job, Decker is eager to kick of her tour, her first since 2019.

"I still feel like the little girl that left home in Georgia right out of high school coming into this world. I still get nervous. I still get butterflies. I'm very excited, but I'm also nervous," she told ET. "I haven't played in front of thousands of people in so long. I can't wait. I'm looking forward to seeing all their faces. It's just been too long."

As for what fans can expect when she hits the stage, Decker teased that she's "switching up the set list" and "adding some different elements."

"It's just gonna feel a little bit different this time. We’re adding new songs, stuff from the new EP. I’m bringing some OG songs that are from my very first record in 2009," she said. "I just wanted to give it a total revamp and freshen up, because it's been a few years since I've hit the road."

"I used to go out there in a T-shirt and cut out jeans. I am going got switch it up," Decker added. "I’m going to elevate it a little bit more this time [with] little bit more jewels and jazz and all of that, more sparkles... I’m like, 'You do this once, you might as well just put on the damn sparkles,' so that’s what I’m gonna do."

Getting ready for all of those sparkles has taken some time, especially after quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Since COVID, I did what everyone else did where we were just kind of locked in the house and had a lot of cookie dough, a lot of wine. I enjoyed myself, but I didn’t love what it did to my body," Decker said. "I didn’t feel good. I lost my energy. I felt kind of yuck."

After that feeling sunk in, Decker "hit the ground running" with her fitness routine and eating habits.

"I feel like I have completely transformed my body in a way I never thought I would. I am way more muscular. I'm way stronger. I feel like I have more energy. I'm eating better. I worry about consuming more protein. I notice when I don’t. I'm definitely eating cleaner," she said. "I feel like I am doing all the right things and it is making me feel better, so I feel even more energized this time for the tour. I feel physically ready."

Though she hasn't toured in years, Decker already knows exactly how she'll get ready to hit the stage each night.

"Around 4:00 we do our meet and greets, so I like to have a nice big cup of hot coffee. I want to feel super energized when I meet everybody," she said. "... Then right after I like to have a bone-in ribeye with a baked potato and asparagus... I like a lot of meat before I get on stage. I just feel like it gives me energy. [I also have] a yeast roll or a piece of bread or something."

"And then, I get on my bus and I start doing my makeup and my hair. I put on some music. I put on my warmups. I have a glass of red wine and I ease into it. It's just my time to be quiet. I light a candle. I’m just very relaxed and very zen. I’m just thinking. I don’t like a lot of people talking at that point. I need my time," Decker continued. "Then, when it's over, I get dressed, and I go to the dressing room, and I’m with my band. We all hang out. We do a a cheer celebration, a little prayer, [say that] we're gonna kick butt tonight, and go out on stage."

Before all that happens, though, Decker has another performance to focus on -- her awards show debut at CMT Music Awards on April 11.

"I've never been asked to do an awards show and perform, so I just -- I'm pinching myself that I'm able to even do it," she said. "As soon as they told me I was like, 'Really? I get to do that?' It just feels really special, so, I'm so excited. I just feel like it's finally all happening, my country music dream that I've had since I was 9 years old."

Decker will take the stage to perform her latest single, "Should Have Known Better."

"I’m really excited about that one, 'cause it's a song I really believe in," she said. "I feel like it's probably the best song I've ever launched as a single. That will be a lot of fun... What I love about performing that song, is it is so feisty and sassy and empowering. I just feel like it has such a great message, so I'm just excited to rock out."