Minnie Driver Flubs the National Anthem

The actress messes up the lyric during a performance at Dodgers stadium.

Oh my!

Minnie Driver committed a faux pas on Saturday when she
flubbed her performance of the National Anthem ahead of a St. Louis Cardinals
game at Dodgers Stadium. The actress messed up lyrics not once, but twice, in
the approximate 60 seconds it takes to sing it.

Though Driver started off fine, by the middle of the National Anthem she screwed up the phrase, “O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming.” Shortly after, “Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,” became “Oh, say can that star-spangled banner yet wave.”

The actress still received cheers despite the mess up. And it’s not the first time someone’s messed up the National Anthem in front of an audience. American Idol champion Scotty McCreery mangled the National Anthem before a World Series game, Cyndi Lauper messed it up at a 9/11 remembrance ceremony at the U.S. Open, and Christina Aguilera famously mangled the lyrics at Super Bowl XLV.

Most recently, Jamie Foxx was accused of mangling the song. Watch his reaction to the audience's online outcry: