Patricia Arquette Delivers Rousing Speech For 'Boyhood' Best Supporting Actress Win

The Oscar winner might have missed a hug from her co-star, but she made up for it with her amazing wage equality speech.

Patricia Arquette was a lock to win Best Supporting Actress, so it was no surprise when her name was announced at the Oscars on Sunday night.

Every one of her Boyhood co-stars jumped to their feet to hug her before she walked to the stage -- which she accepted with teary-eyed enthusiasm -- except for the embrace from Ellar Coltrane, the young actor who appeared next to her for 12 years of filming.


Sorry, Ellar! At least Ethan Hawke was there to give him a big bear hug. Patricia needed to take the stage to deliver the most amazing speech of the entire awards season.

The 46-year-old actress used her time on stage to make her opinions of women's rights heard, and the audience couldn’'t have cheered any louder.

NEWS: Oscars 2015: The Complete Winners List

"To everyone who gave birth to every tax payer and citizen of this nation, we have fought for everybody else's equal rights," she began, and then wrapped it up with a particularly awesome declaration. "It's our time to have wage equality once and for all, and equal rights for women in the United States of America!”"  

Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lopez went wild over what may be the best moment of the night.


And the outcry online was just as immediate.

Check out the video below to see how Patricia Arquette responded in ET’s game of "Would You Rather?: Oscar Nominee Edition."