Barack Obama Says He 'Never Got Fully Out of Dog House' for Running for President Against Michelle's Wishes

Barack Michelle Obama
Scott Olson/Getty Images

The former president shared the tidbit on 'The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.'

Barack Obama says he ran for president against wife Michelle Obama's wishes -- and is still in the "dog house" for it. The former commander in chief sat down with Stephen Colbert to promote his latest book, A Promised Land, where he joked that his wife hasn't forgiven him.

"Her initial response was 'No,'" he recalled about telling her he was thinking about running for president. "What I said to her, 'We still need to think through all the different elements of it and if at the end of that you still say no, then it's a no.'"

"And she sort of changed her mind, kind of," Barack continued. "But, what is absolutely true is -- and I've never fully got out of the dog house for this -- is that I put her and our kids through an extraordinarily stressful, difficult sequence in deciding to run for president, right after I had just gone through a tough race."

Barack added that "Michelle stayed angry at me about it," sharing that "it would flare up every so often, but she stayed mad about it through all eight years."

The politician quipped that she finally forgave him "until this interview."

The father of two has been candid about how his presidency affected his family and marriage while promoting his book.

"A lot of the book is the story of our love and our partnership, and the sacrifices she made for the career path I chose," the 44th president recently said in a Vanity Fair interview. "And, needing to be honest about the fact that she really didn’t want me to be in politics, and it hurt her in a lot of ways."

For more on Barack Obama, see below.