Candace Cameron Bure Reacts After 'Haters' Criticize Her Family Photo with 'Many Unkind Comments'

'Shame on you,' the actress wrote on Facebook.

Candace Cameron Bure is calling out some rude commenters. The 44-year-old actress took to Instagram to share a family photo in honor of the new year, but her sweet snap didn't receive the reaction she anticipated.

In the pic, Candace and her husband, Val Bure, pose with their three children, Natasha, 22, Lev, 20, and Maksim, 18. The couple, as well as their son Lev, offer smiles to the camera in the shot, while Natasha looks out into the distance and Maksim gives a smoldering stare.

"Happy New Year from the Bures!!" Candace captioned the pic. "Looking forward to what 2021 has in store. I’m praying for unity, grace, humility, compassion and love for mankind. With God, all things are possible. Sending virtual hugs and kisses! XO"

Some comments weren't pleased with the photo, a fact Natasha noticed and addressed with a comment of her own. "Omg!!!! I didn’t smile or look at the camera, sue me!!!" she wrote.

"Wow- I post a family photo and you all find everything you don’t like about it or can make fun of," Candace commented. "Do better than that. Please."

The former Fuller House star later expanded on her thoughts about the photo's backlash in a Facebook post.

"I posted my family Christmas photo and sadly, there were so many unkind comments," she lamented. "Do you think it’s funny to criticize someone’s children? To make jokes about them? To critique our poses? The direction in which we are looking? Our physical appearance and facial expressions?"

Candace continued by noting how she "wished blessings upon everyone" in her post, and, in return, received comments that included "jokes about our appearance and criticism of what you thought would have been a better photo."

"Shame on you," she chastised. 'It doesn’t matter if you’re 10 or 90 years old, rude is rude. Be better than that. I’m praying for humanity. Manners and respect. If you don’t like something, just move on. There are people and real feelings behind every screen."

In a P.S. section of her post, Candace added, "Please don’t tell me to ignore the 'haters.' There were plenty of well meaning people who thought it would be funny to point out things and share their commentary, 'with love.' Umm... that’s not love. That’s rude. Try kind. It looks good on everyone."

This isn't the first time Candace has called out negative comments. Back in September, the actress shared a photo of her husband resting a hand on her chest, something that some social media users took offense to. She went on to defend the photo in an interview with ET.

"It's hard to be married for a long time so I think that needs to be celebrated and celebrated more," she said. "We're often, in the press, hearing of the stories that don't work out and marriages that fail, so I was like, 'Hey, sex at the top when you're married, let's celebrate it, let's have fun and flirt,' and that's it."