Drew Barrymore on Having Ex-Husband Tom Green on Her Talk Show After Not Speaking for 20 Years (Exclusive)

The actress and comedian came face-to-face on Friday's episode of 'The Drew Barrymore Show.'

Drew Barrymore experienced another Charlie's Angels reunion on Friday's episode of her talk show, The Drew Barrymore Show -- but instead of gal pals Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu showing up, it was Barrymore's ex-husband, Tom Green. The former couple's relationship was brief -- lasting from just 1999 to 2001 -- but impactful. She told ET's Kevin Frazier it was "emotional" to reconnect with the comedian, after not speaking for nearly 20 years. 

"It wasn't for TV and TV sensationalism," Barrymore shared. "It's very emotional and there was a meaning and a depth to it, but a fun celebration." 

"We were just kids. We're both more grown up now and there has been a whole life lived," she added. "It's wild to reconnect." 

During the episode, Green praised Barrymore for her success, telling her, "I couldn't be more excited for your new show."

"It's nice to see you every day on here, just bringing this burst of happiness, and energy, and optimism to the world right now," he said.

For her turn, Barrymore recalled feeling "safety" and "contentedness" during her relationship with Green.

"When you say 20 years, sometimes it's the blink of an eye and sometimes you're like, 'Oh my God. We've lived so much in these last 20 years,'" she said while getting choked up. "You've had a whole life and I've had a whole life, and it's just really nice to come together and check in and talk about it. It thrills me to no end. I think the world of you and I celebrate you and I always have and I always will."

Barrymore was in her mid-20s during her romance with Green, while he was on the cusp of 30.

"One of the reasons that we got to know each other in the first place is that I admired your work so much. So I reached out to you and asked you to do Charlie's Angels, and you so graciously said yes," Barrymore told Green of the 2000 flick.

"That was so exciting getting to do that movie with you," Green responded. "We kind of sort of hit it off right away pretty much. We had a lot of laughs together."

The former couple recalled setting lobsters free during their first date, and Barrymore reminisced on Green getting her interested in photography.

Barrymore was by Green's side as his star began to rise with The Tom Green Show on MTV, and with him through his battle with testicular cancer in 2000. In her interview with ET, the actress remembered being "mesmerized" by how public Green was with his life.

"He was doing reality television before there was reality television, so as his girlfriend and supporter of that, I was on a ride I did not totally understand," she confessed. 

Green and Barrymore at the 'Loser' premiere in Los Angeles in July 2000. - Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

The now-mom of two described to ET her and Green's relationship as a "whirlwind" that just "wasn't sustainable."

"It was an electric moment that we both got on like, this carpet ride and rode it together off into the sunset," she said, noting that she's always going to appreciate his ingenuity and the doors he's opened for others. 

With no lingering negativity surrounding their split that she can recall, Barrymore admitted she's not really sure why it's taken so long for them to reconnect. 

"I guess that goes back to the 'Timing Is Everything' everything sign I have in my entryway... Somehow Tom Green and I have found our way back into each other’s lives through oddly the timing and the medium of television, and that kind of is where we first met," she said. "So maybe that's a full circle thing... I think for Tom and I, we're like, 'Wow there's been a lot of growth and life lived on both sides of our universes in these last 20 years.'" 

Barrymore went on to have several public romances after Green, including with Justin Long, and her most recent ex-husband, art consultant Will Kopelman. She and Kopelman share two daughters: 7-year-old Olive and 6-year-old Frankie. 

And though life took them in different directions, the fact that Barrymore got to witness Green as a TV "pioneer" has stayed with her. The actress is now a trailblazer in the TV sphere herself, as The Drew Barrymore Show is using cutting-edge technology to connect her with her guests amid the coronavirus pandemic. 

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