Gabrielle Union Gets Candid About Sexual Assault, Her Prenup Negotiations With Dwyane Wade (Exclusive)

The 44-year-old actress isn't holding back.

Gabrielle Union isn't holding back. 

The 44-year-old actress opens up about everything in her new book, We're Going to Need More Wine, and did the same while chatting with ET's Kevin Frazier in New York City on Monday -- starting with Mayim Bialik's recent op-ed in response to the Harvey Weinstein scandal. 

"The night I was raped, I had on a tunic and leggings. I was dressed very modestly and I was still raped at gunpoint," Union said, fighting back at Bialik's piece, which suggested that women should dress modestly as a way to combat sexual harassment. "The idea that your clothing should somehow indicate whether you're the right kind of girl or whether you are deserving of sexual violence or not is incredibly dangerous." 

"Your clothing isn't going to make or break whether or not it can happen to you. Your race, religion, height, weight, hairstyle, none of those things makes a difference because at the end of the day, sexual violence isn't about sex, it's about violence and power," she added. "People who talk about wearing modest clothing sure aren't modest about that." 

Union is now happily married to Cleveland Cavaliers star Dwyane Wade -- though she said the pair's prenup negotiations weren't so easy. 

"It was my idea to get a prenup, because I made out not so well in the first marriage. I had to write a nice, fat check," she explained. "I just kind of went, 'Whatever. We come into it, God forbid we break up, we leave with it.' 'No, I want to give you something!' 'OK, well I'm going to base this number on what I actually make, on what my time has actually been proven to be worth' and, you know, his team came in very low." 

"Luckily, I'm in Hollywood. I've got quotes. I can help you with that price. I can actually give you my worth, per minute, per tweet, per Instagram post. I can actually tell you these things to give you a better idea of where to head with that number," she shared. 

Union is worth a reported $20 million, and undoubtedly even more from a nonmonetary standpoint as a stepmom to Wade's three sons. As for whether she and Wade will expand their family, Union, who has suffered eight miscarriages, wishes people would stop asking. 

"Whether or not someone has kids is such a personal question, and people, especially in this day and age, feel very entitled to not only know what you are using your vagina for in terms of reproducing other human beings, but who have you invited up there," she said.

"I guess that is an a** backwards way of telling people, 'Please stay out of my vagina,' by talking about my vagina in a book and on a press tour," she joked. "I will sacrifice my vagina and her adventures for everyone. The greater good of women and men and couples out there who this is a very private and personal journey and when or if they ever opt to share it in their own time." 

We're Going to Need More Wine is available online and in bookstores now. 

See more on Union in the video below.