Mila Kunis Greets Leonardo DiCaprio After Randomly Running Into Him at Private Jet Terminal

The actress gave the Oscar winner a fist bump.

Mila Kunis just bumped into a fellow A-lister! On Friday, the 38-year-old actress was spotted greeting Leonardo DiCaprio at a private jet terminal in Van Nuys, California, after randomly running into the 47-year-old actor.

Kunis, sporting a pink and blue tie-dye sweat suit, grinned as she approached DiCaprio, who was smoking a cigarette and wearing a black baseball cap, with a matching jacket and white T-shirt.

The duo chatted for a minute, before parting ways with a friendly fist bump.


The run-in came when DiCaprio was waiting to board an outgoing jet at the same time that Kunis, along with her husband, Ashton Kutcher, and their two kids, Wyatt, 7, and Dimitri, 5, were arriving back in the United States.

The family of four, who was traveling in the Gulfstream IV private jet that Kutcher recently purchased, had been in the Bahamas for a spring break trip.

The trip away came after Kunis and Kutcher raised more than $30 million for Ukraine, the actress' home country, amid Russia's invasion. In an interview with Maria Shriver for her Sunday Paper, Kunis, who immigrated to the United States from Ukraine in 1991, revealed how she's is celebrating her Ukrainian roots with her kids.

"I turned to my kids and I was like, 'You are half Ukrainian, half American!' Like, I literally was like, 'Look, you!' And my kids were like, 'Yeah mom, I get it.' And I was like, 'No! You are Ukrainian and American,'" she said. "I was like, 'You are half Iowa [where Kutcher was born], half Ukraine.' And they're like, 'Ok, I get it.'"