Russell Crowe: People Will be Surprised by 'Noah'

Russell Crowe: People Will be Surprised by 'Noah'

Russell Crowe's Noah isn't expected to flood theaters until March of 2014, but the Man of Steel star gave ET a taste of things to come with a revelation that the lovable bible character was not anything like what people like to believe.

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"The funny thing with people, they consider Noah to be a benevolent figure because he looked after the animals: 'Awww, Noah. Noah and the animals.' It's like, are you kidding me?" he says with a laugh. "This is the dude that stood by and watched the entire population of the planet perish."

Darren Aronofsky directs the biblical epic in which the classic character is given a divine mission: to build an ark to save creation from the coming flood, and Crowe continues, "He's not benevolent. He's not even nice. At one point in the story his son says, 'I thought you were chosen because you were good?' And he goes, 'I was chosen because I can get the job done, mate.'"

Two massive arks were constructed for the production in Brooklyn, NY and Oyster Bay, Long Island, and they weathered a real-life Act of God when Hurricane Sandy blew through last fall.

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Looking forward to people's reactions to the new movie, Crowe says, "I think people are going to be judging where their questions are coming from. I think they're going to be quite surprised what Noah actually means; what it means to be in that position."