Horrible Bosses 2 Stars weigh in on their worst boss behavior in an ET roundtable conversation.
We all have stories of unpleasant experiences with a boss but Christoph Waltz might take the cake.
Waltz and his Horrible Bosses 2 co-stars Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston and Charlie Day, joined ET in a roundtable discussion and shared the worst boss behavior they've ever had to endure.
"I had a director throw a full glass of beer at me," Waltz revealed. While Waltz didn't name any names, it wasn't his first unpleasant experience on a film set. "I [also] had a director throw a chair at me because he thought I had an affair with his wife."
WATCH: Get Your First Look at ‘Horrible Bosses 2’
When asked who would out of the cast would everyone prefer as their boss, the unanimous answer was Aniston.
"You'd be so nice to them all," Bateman told his co-star. "They would all come in late [and] they would leave early."
In the sequel, out Nov. 26, Aniston reprises her role as everyone's favorite "dirt bag," the sex addicted dentist Julia Harris. The 45-year-old actress arguably has some of the raunchiest scenes in the film, so how does she get into that twisted head space?
"There's a little sort of dark corner of my brain that I just accessed," Aniston admits.
WATCH: Jennifer Aniston Asks for a Foursome in ‘Horrible Bosses 2’
2011's Horrible Bosses made over $200 million dollars worldwide, so it only made sense to bring the whole gang back for a sequel.
"We felt a lot of pressure around the responsibility," Bateman said of returning to the franchise. "To ourselves and to the people who liked the first one to make sure we didn't just phone in a sequel."
Watch the full video to find out what mistakes Jason Bateman says he's made when he first got into the business.
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