See Eddie Redmayne as a Transgender Woman in Trailer for 'The Danish Girl'

We're calling it now. This award season, Eddie Redmayne is going to need to make more room on his mantelpiece.

We're calling it now. This awards season, Eddie Redmayne is going to need to make more room on his mantelpiece.

After taking home the Oscar for his turn as Stephen Hawking in 2014's The Theory of Everything, Redmayne is playing another historical role for The Danish Girl, and the film's first trailer was released on Tuesday.

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In The Danish Girl, Redmayne plays transgender woman Lili Elbe, who was one of the first recipients of gender reassignment surgery. The film is based on the award-winning historical novel of the same name, which tells a fictionalized version of Elbe's real-life story.

The first image of Redmayne as Elbe was released on Feb. 26, and if there were any doubts about how the movie would do Elbe's story justice, the moving two-and-a-half-minute trailer should put them to rest.

The clip gives a peek into the marriage between artists Elbe and Gerda Wegener (Alicia Vikander), whose relationship evolves when Elbe embarks on her groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer.

NEWS: Eddie Redmayne Channels Transgender Pioneer Lili Elbe for New Film

"I love you because you're the only person who made sense of me," Elbe tells Wegener in the trailer. "You made me possible."

Redmayne told British GQ that he was offered The Danish Girl before The Theory of Everything. The film languished in production for years, and was originally expected to star a female actress. Nicole Kidman and Marion Cotillard were names that floated around in connection with the part.

The setbacks gave Redmayne plenty of time to prepare, and part of that prep included a chat with trans director Lana Wachowski, who co-directed the 2015 sci-fi film Jupiter Ascending, in which Redmayne played Balem Abrasax.

"There is so much I need to investigate," he told the magazine. "It's a very famous story within the trans community. I spoke to Lana early on when I was thinking about doing it."

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Co-star Amber Heard, who came out as bisexual in 2010, is an active proponent of the LGBT community and spoke to IndieWire about her work on the project.

"I'm seeking roles that challenge me and that are compelling," she said. "They're not always going to be easy characters, or beautiful characters or heroes. I want to take roles that I feel are complex and challenging and The Danish Girl is no exception."

The Danish Girl opens Nov. 27.