Kings of Leon Cancel U.S. Tour Due to Health Issues

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Kings of Leon Cancel U.S. Tour Due to Health Issues

A canceled tour is never good for any musical act, and rock group Kings of Leon can attest to that. The band's remaining U.S. tour dates are being canceled due to an illness in the group, according to their website.

The news comes just days after their Friday night show in Dallas, Texas, where lead singer Caleb Followill left the stage in the middle of their performance to tend to his illness. A spokesperson for the band announced today that "vocal issues and exhaustion" were the cause for Caleb's condition.

"The band is devastated," the spokesperson continued in a statement. "In order to give their fans the shows they deserve, they need to take this break."

Band member and brother Jared Followill subsequently revealed possible undisclosed problems via Twitter. "There are internal sicknesses & problems that have needed to be addressed," Jared tweeted. He then later followed it up with this tweet, "There are problems in our band bigger than not drinking enough Gatorade."

No one knows what problems Jared is referring to besides the Kings of Leon themselves, but with their international tour schedule in the way, the remaining U.S. tour dates won't be rescheduled but tickets will be refunded. Hopefully the situation within the band isn't as dire as Jared's tweets may suggest, but at this point only time will tell.