Janet Jackson Teams Up with UNICEF to Fight Hunger

Janet Jackson Teams Up with UNICEF to Fight Hunger

Janet Jackson is lending her star power to a campaign to help starving children in Africa by appearing in a new public service announcement (PSA) for The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

"It's unacceptable for children to die from hunger in the 21st century," Jackson says in the PSA, which urges individuals to contribute to humanitarian assistance programs in the Sahel region of West and Central Africa.

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"We must act now to save and protect children at risk from malnutrition -- not just in emergencies -- but for today and forever," Jackson says. "I commit my heart, my love, and my resources to this effort. With your help and the leadership of UNICEF, we will bring change to West and Central Africa."

UNICEF's efforts -- which focus on providing immediate support to children in urgent need of life-saving food, basic health services and clean water -- are making a difference. The organization said that last year alone 800,000 children's lives were saved from severe malnutrition in the Sahel region.. To get involved, visit UNICEF here.

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