Nicole Kidman on Protecting Her Daughters

Harper's Bazaar

Nicole Kidman on Protecting Her Daughters

Nicole Kidman has been somewhat criticized after the birth of her 18-month-old daughter Faith Margaret, which occurred by "gestational carrier." Now the proud mum poses with her daughter on the cover of Harper's Bazaar Australia.

CBS News reports that a gestational carrier differs from a surrogate mother in that a gestational carrier carries another couple's fertilized embryo to term, whereas a surrogate typically uses her own eggs.

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Much ado was made of the subject after Nicole and her husband Keith Urban publically thanked their gestational carrier following the Golden Globes.

For those who might criticize the actress for taking photos with her kids, Nicole tells the magazine, "I think it's OK, because you can't see their faces; they're still protected. I feel it's a really lovely way to celebrate being a mum and being a family, and they're my daughters, and they're Keith's daughters [laughs] ... you can see the hair!"

Faith's big sister Sunday Rose also appears in the pages of Harper's June cover.

In the photos, Nicole sports a short cropped 'do for her new film role as Grace Kelly in Grace of Monaco.