Ferrell & Friends Bring Laughs to VF
It's Vanity Fair's first-ever comedy issue and while funny people Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, Amy Poehler, Kirsten Wiig and Melissa McCarthy (to name a few) are obvious choices to grace these coveted covers, somehow Megan Fox also made the cut.
This may be in part because Judd Apatow was the guest editor for the Jan. 2013 issue and Fox stars in his upcoming comedy This Is 40, the pseudo-sequel to Knocked Up hitting theaters Dec. 21. "I have always loved comedy, and this portfolio and issue, filled with men and women I admire, are my attempt to show you what it means to me," Judd explained. "Some of them have shaped my sensibility; others just make me laugh."
RELATED: Inside the Comedy of This Is 40
Vanity Fair's comedy edition also includes Maya Rudolph, Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller, Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld. In addition, Emmy winner Louis C.K. will answer the Proust Questionnaire, while Jimmy Fallon stars in the Out to Lunch column.
Given the plethora of comedic talent in Hollywood, who would you say is your fave?