Exclusive: Inside Robin Roberts' First Day Back

Exclusive: Inside Robin Roberts' First Day Back

After 174 days away for treatment of a rare blood and marrow disorder, Robin Roberts made her triumphant return to Good Morning America on Wednesday, and only ET was invited behind the scenes of the emotional taping.

ET cameras rolled as Roberts took her first steps back inside GMA's Times Square studio where, after a successful morning back, Rob Marciano sat down for a chat with the recovering host.

Related: Robin Roberts Returns to 'Good Morning America'

Roberts, who hit the air sporting a nearly bald head (due to chemo treatments undergone in previous months), revealed that she almost wore a wig Wednesday, but ultimately decided against it fearing inevitable comparisons to a certain other public figure.

"[It makes me look] like Mrs. Obama," laughed Roberts of the retired hairpiece she insists was purchased long before the First Lady debuted her fringe. "I didn't want people thinking that I was copying her...I had mine first!"

Despite a few perceived blips, Roberts was overall proud of her first live spot in six months.

Related: Robin Roberts: I Felt I Was Dying

"The first quarter was a little rough there," reflected Roberts of the broadcast, telling Rob that she and co-anchor Josh Elliott devised a code to secretly communicate that her nerves were getting the best of her.

"[Elliot] said lets come up with a code word if it gets to be a little too intense," she revealed, divulging that "froggy slippers" became her safe words for the day.