Take a bad picture for once! Also, be our friend.
Take a bad picture for once!
Taylor Swift stepped out in New York today, leaving the gym, looking as cool as she always does. Leaving the gym. How does this happen?

Has Taylor Swift ever taken a photo that didn't make you want to be her BFF?
No. Never. Doesn't Happen.
Taylor Swift's Love Advice to a Fan About 'Unrequited Love' Is Actually Pretty Sweet
She looks cool while shopping.
She looks cool meeting friends.
She looks cool in funny hats.
Taylor Swift Disses Her 'Dramatic' Ex-Boyfriends

Stop it, Taylor! Or at least, let's get lunch.
Oh by the way, Taylor is in a movie premiering this weekend, which is also pretty cool. Watch the video below, where Taylor Swift opens up about playing a character who does not seem to have emotions.