Jon Stewart, Bill O'Reilly Take on the Brian Williams Scandal

Brian Williams is getting even more heat from his fellow television hosts.

Jon Stewart is poking fun at Brian Williams at a time when the NBC Nightly News anchor is under fire.

Williams is currently taking a leave of absence from his evening news broadcast after mistakenly claiming he was under fire during in Iraq in 2003. Since his apologies both on-air and on Facebook, ratings have plummeted while the Brian Williams Misremembers memes have exploded.

On The Daily Show, Stewart attempts to explain Williams' confusion.

"We got us a case of infotainment confusion syndrome. It occurs when the celebrity cortex gets its wires crossed with the medula-anchor-dala," Stewart says. He adds that in 2013, Brian used his brain "at a 45-degree angle, activating the celebralum. That’s known as the brain's applause center. Once that engages, there’s no going back, you’re in full-blown anecdote mode."

NEWS: Brian Williams Is Taking Several Days Off

While Stewart was able to make fun of the situation, he also took a serious stance by calling out the media for misinforming the public.

"The media is on it. Now, this may seem like overkill but not for me. No, it’s not overkill because I am happy finally someone is being held to account for misleading America about the Iraq war," Stewart says. He is met with applause as he continues, "It might not necessarily be the first person you'd want held accountable on that list but never again will Brian Williams mislead a nation about being shot at in a war we probably wouldn't have ended up in if we had applied this level of scrutiny to the actual [bleep] war."

NEWS: Brian Williams Apologizes

Stewart was not the only television personality to talk about Williams. Bill O'Reilly shared his opinion on the situation to Jimmy Kimmel and actually defended Williams.

"A lot of people seem to be real happy that his career is going down the drain. That disturbs me. He made a mistake," the Fox News personality said.

"Is it a character flaw? I don’t know," O'Reilly says. "If it is, he's going to lose his job…If it's just one time, he'll get by. But if there's a pattern of this, it's going to be hard for him to come back and be the main anchor on NBC."

All eyes are on NBC to see if Williams will keep his job. Lester Holt has taken over the anchor chair for now.

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