Lindsay Lohan Attempts to Do Community Service From Home

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We give her points for creative thinking!

There are lots of jobs out there you can do from home. Serving community service hours is not one of them, as Lindsay Lohan has learned.

The star ambitiously attempted to serve out her remaining hours of court-ordered community service from the comfort of her own living room, according to court documents.

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Lohan was charged with three misdemeanors in 2013 stemming from a 2012 reckless driving incident in Santa Monica, Calif. with her Porsche. She was sentenced to 240 hours of community service. On Friday, a judge said she had to serve the remaining hours of her sentence by May 28.

She was sentenced to do an additional 125 hours as part of her probation in February, and the judge said thus far she has completed less than 10. According to court documents, Lohan said she had fulfilled some of the work from her London apartment, where she made Facebook posts for a local charity. (Lohan wrapped her two-month stint across the pond in November.)

The judge decreed that her community service hours could not be completed virtually, so posting photos to social media from her flat did not count.

The actress was given those additional hours earlier this year after the judge decided the documentation she submitted for her original 240 hours of community service was not entirely valid -- for instance, the time she claimed attending a meet-and-greet with her fans in London counted toward the total.

(Also in her original 240 hours: A stint working at the Los Angeles County morgue, where she says she handled Whitney Houston's body bag!)

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The judge declined a request to extend the deadline for completing the additional hours.

"She’s had three years to take care of this. If it’s not done by May 28, there will be consequences," Judge Mark A. Young said, according to the New York Daily News.

When she's not actively trying to avoid giving back to the community, she's messing around with Photoshop (allegedly!) -- check it out: