5 Uncomfortable Duggar Moments From the Family's Life in the Spotlight

In light of recent allegations against Josh Duggar, some of the family's past interviews and specials are somewhat hard to watch.

The Duggar clan has been in the public eye since their first Discovery Health special 14 Kids and Pregnant Again aired in 2005, just three years after Duggar parents Jim Bob and Michelle learned of molestation claims against their eldest son Josh.

UPDATED: Josh Duggar Molestation Allegations: A Timeline of Events

The allegations recently came to light in the public eye thanks to a Freedom of Information Act claim by In Touch magazine, which revealed police reports accusing Josh Duggar of sexual misconduct against minors. Here’s a look at some moments from the family’s life in the spotlight that are uncomfortable to watch in light of the recent revelations.

17 Kids and Counting - Josh Gets Engaged

The special focusing on Josh’s proposal to his now-wife Anna Keller takes on a different tone after Anna’s May 21, 2015 statement about the allegations against her husband, in which she admitted that Josh came clean about his "teenage mistakes" to her and her parents before the pair began courting.

19 Kids and Counting - Josh Cracks an Incest Joke

When Josh was courting his wife Anna, the pair were still required to have chaperones come along on their dates. In true Duggar tradition, Josh asked his siblings, twins Jana and John-David, to accompany them.

"We thought why not have a double date?" Josh joked. "We are from Arkansas."

NEWS: More Advertisers Pull Out of '19 Kids and Counting'

Michelle Duggar Political Robocall

Perhaps most disturbing is this 2014 robocall Michelle Duggar recorded to support Josh’s political career. The call was sent to residents of Fayetteville, Ark. to urge voters to repeal a civil rights ordinance that prohibited local businesses and entities from discriminating against employees and customers based on gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion and other factors.

Duggar did her part to convince voters by pointing out the "dangers" that transgender people pose to the city's women and children in an argument that's offensive both factually and grammatically.

"I don’t believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males, with past child predator convictions, that claim they are female, to have a legal right to enter private areas reserved for women and girls," Duggar said in the recorded call. "I doubt that Fayetteville parents would stand for a law that would endanger their daughters or allow them to be traumatized by a man joining them in their private space. We should never place the preference of an adult over the safety and innocence of a child."

WATCH: Funny or Die Spoofs the Duggar Scandal, Hulu Pulls '19 Kids'

16 Children and Moving In - Tight Quarters

In this special, narrated by 17-year-old Josh, about the family’s transition to a larger home, space is cramped at the rental house where the Duggars are staying. Given that some of the claims against Josh accuse him of touching minors inappropriately as they slept, the idea of him sharing sleeping quarters with his younger siblings is somewhat horrifying.

"There’s not even enough space for all of us to have our own bed!" Josh exclaims.

On the Road With 16 Children
- Sleeping Arrangements

When the Duggar family hit the road for a much-needed vacation, space was tight as the 18 family members shared one RV and a trailer to sleep in on the road.

NEWS: Josh Duggar on Child Molestation Reports: 'I Acted Inexcusably'