Jared Fogle and Family Speak Out on the Former Subway Spokesperson's Child Pornography Charges

'Jared is accepting responsibility for what he has done,' his lawyer said.

Jared Fogle and his family are speaking out after the former Subway spokesperson agreed to plead guilty on charges of child pornography in Indianapolis on Wednesday.

"Jared Fogle is agreeing to plead guilty to the charges filed against him today," Fogle's attorney Jeremy Margolis said in a statement to ET. "In doing so, Jared is accepting responsibility for what he has done. He is also volunteering to make restitution to those affected by his deplorable behavior. While Jared fully recognizes that such monetary contribution will not undo the harm he has caused, he is hopeful it will assist these individuals as they try to move forward with their lives."

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Fogle agreed to plead guilty to one count of travel to engage in illicit sexual contact with a minor and and one count of distribution and receipt of child pornography during a court appearance in front of a judge at the Indianapolis Federal Courthouse.

According to the plea agreement, he is to serve at least five years in prison and pay $1.4 million to the 14 minor victims. Four of these victims are now adults, while 10 are still minors, and 12 of them live in Fogle’s home state of Indiana. While he can't get less than the mandatory five years in jail, he will get no more than 12 years but may receive a lifetime of supervision after his release if a judge sees fit.

Margolis said the 37-year-old TV personality is prepared to undergo psychiatric medical treatment and counseling. "He has already begun that process by being extensively examined by a world-renowned expert in sexual conditions in order to chart a course to recovery. It is Jared's intent and goal to become healthy again," Fogle's lawyer continued.

NEWS: Jared Fogle to Plead Guilty to Child Pornography Charges

"Most importantly, Jared understands that he has hurt innocent people, vulnerable people, and his family," Margolis added. "He has expressed remorse to me and to his loved ones, and will, when given the opportunity, express that remorse to this court and to the people he has harmed. His intent is to spend the rest of his life making amends."

Fogle's family shared their shock and grief over the incidents after the court appearance, saying they will not be granting media interviews, rather they plan to "comfort each other and heal" in private.

"Our family is shocked and profoundly disappointed in Jared's abhorrent criminal behavior and we are very concerned for the well-being of those affected by his conduct," they said in a statement. "At the same time, we are gratified that Jared is accepting responsibility for what he has done by agreeing to plea guilty to the charges filed today and by volunteering to make restitution to the victims. We are also gratified that he is seeking medical treatment. We hope that he will become healthy again and are confident that after he serves his sentence, he will continue to make amends. We look forward to the day that he rejoins our family and society."

WATCH: Subway Reacts to Jared Fogle's Home Raid

These reactions come just hours after his wife of five years, Katie McLaughlin, announced she is divorcing Fogle. "Obviously, I am extremely shocked and disappointed by the recent developments involving Jared," McLaughlin said in a statement to the media. "I am in the process of seeking a dissolution of the marriage."

Fogle and McLaughlin have been married since July 2010 and have two children together. McLaughlin is his second wife. Fogle was previously married to Elizabeth Fogle from 2001 to 2007.

Fogle's home was raided by Indianapolis police on July 7. Subway ended their relationship with the longtime spokesperson shortly thereafter.