Ashley Madison Data Reveals Which States Cheat the Most -- Where Does Your State Rank?

All across America...

We keep getting more new information from the Ashley Madison data leak.

A new chart posted on Reddit appears to reveal which states spend the most money per capita on the website, which caters itself to people seeking extramarital affairs, and far and away the leading state, appears to be... Alabama.

WATCH: Josh Duggar Removes Pornography Addiction Confession From Ashley Madison Statement


However, many Redditors commented that this information could be skewed, since Alabama is the first state alphabetically (and therefore a possible default on the drop down menu when you sign up for the site), considering many people do not post their real information, for fear of being caught.

So, if you take Alabama out of the running, the leader is.... Colorado! The centennial state narrowly edges out Washington, D.C. on the list, which might make some sense when you consider the altitude. (Residents of Denver are technically in the Mile High Club without ever getting on a plane.)

West Virginia ranked most faithful on the list (Remember, after John Denver got Rocky Mountain High, the country roads took him home to this state), meaning if you are married in this state, your spouse very likely is not cheating on you, or, at the very least, not using Ashley Madison to do it.

WATCH: Josh Duggar Reportedly Had Two Ashley Madison Accounts

The moral of the story is don't cheat! You literally could be making your entire state look skeezier by association.

Perhaps the highest profile user to be exposed so far in the Ashley Madison hack has been 27-year-old Josh Duggar.

The 19 Kids and Counting star, who already previously admitted to molesting five young girls as a teenager, reportedly had two accounts on the website.

WATCH: Josh Duggar on Child Molestation Reports: 'I Acted Inexcusably'

In a statement, Josh initially apologized for having a porn addiction, and being unfaithful to his wife. However, an adjusted statement removed the mention of watching pornography.

The original statement read, "I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife."

Now, the statement reads, "I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have been unfaithful to my wife."

Will this most recent scandal finally cause Anna Duggar to leave Josh? Watch below.