Adult Film Star Danica Dillon Says She Slept With Josh Duggar While Wife Anna was Pregnant

As Josh Duggar has checked into rehab, more allegations continue to come out against him.

As Josh Duggar has checked into rehab, more allegations continue to come out against him.

Adult film star Danica Dillon, 28, claims that she had sex with Josh on two separate occasions -- both times allegedly while his wife Anna was pregnant with the couple's fourth child, Meredith, who was born on July 19.

In an interview with In Touch, Dillon claims that Josh first approached her at a strip club where she was performing in mid-March.

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"He showed up and told her, 'I'm a fan. I've followed your work for years,' and then offered to pay her $600 for lap dances," In Touch magazine's Adriane Schwartz said. "He then proceeded to ask her for sex and said he would pay her $1,500. She agreed, and he came to her hotel, and this was consensual sex, but everything turned violent and she was terrified of him."

According to Schwartz, Josh didn't hold up his end of the bargain.

"In the end, he dropped $1,000 on the table and walked out the door," Schwartz said.

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Standing by Josh's side through all this has been his faithful wife Anna, which Danica reportedly thinks is a mistake.

"Danica feels that Anna should leave Josh," Schwartz said. "She believes that other women will come forward. This is just the beginning."

Following news that Josh had two separate accounts on Ashley Madison, a site with the stated purpose of helping married people cheat on their spouses, the 27-year-old released a statement that he was "the biggest hypocrite ever" in a public apology.

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"I have been the biggest hypocrite ever," wrote Josh. "While espousing faith and family values, I have been unfaithful to my wife."

The original statement included an admission to "viewing pornography on the internet," which was later removed in a revised statement.

Josh's parents Jim Bob and Michelle released a statement following his admittance into rehab, reportedly for sex addiction.

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"We are so deeply grieved by our son's decisions and actions," the couple said. "His wrong choices have deeply hurt his precious wife and children."