EXCLUSIVE: Josh Duggar's Family Speaks Out: 'I Hope He Gets Broken in Rehab'

Following his admission to rehab, two members of Josh's family are opening up to ET.

Following Josh Duggar's admission to rehab, after the Ashley Madison data leak led to his confessed infidelity, two family members of the disgraced former 19 Kids and Counting star are speaking out exclusively to ET.

"We are all shocked and broken and furious," one member of the Duggar family says. "Who did we spend Christmases with? Who have we grown up with? Who is this person? This is supposed to be a happy time, and there is a dark cloud over our family."

"Josh’s integrity is gone," the family member continues. "It’s scary. You never know who can have a double life. You really think you know someone. Josh was caught with his hand in the cookie jar and I hope he gets broken in rehab and gets the help he needs. I hope Anna finds the strength to make some changes."

MORE: Inside Josh Duggar's Possible Christian Rehab Center, Reformers Unanimous

A second family member reveals,"My heart is broken over this," adding that, "I hope and pray Josh gets the help he needs. I believe he is getting that help. We had no idea about any of this. We love our family and we are praying for Josh. Thank you for all the prayers and support of all the friends and fans."

These comments come after Anna Duggar's brother, Daniel Keller, slammed Josh on Facebook, writing, "You have to confess and forsake your sin to have mercy. Not sin confess and repeat," Daniel wrote. " ... Confessing and getting caught are two different things."

"I don't think Josh will see that this is a big deal and be truly broken till [Anna moving out] happens," he added. "I bet my life on the fact that Josh has not come to true brokenness yet."

WATCH: Josh Duggar Checks Into Treatment Center After Ashley Madison Scandal

After Josh checked himself into a rehab facility, the Duggar family posted an update to their website.

"We are so thankful for the outpouring of love, care and prayers for our family during this most difficult situation with Josh," the statement reads. "As parents we are so deeply grieved by our son’s decisions and actions. His wrong choices have deeply hurt his precious wife and children and have negatively affected so many others. He has also brought great insult to the values and faith we hold dear."

"Yesterday Josh checked himself into a long-term treatment center," the Duggars revealed. "For him it will be a long journey toward wholeness and recovery. We pray that in this he comes to complete repentance and sincere change. In the meantime, we will be offering our love, care and devoted support to Anna and our grandchildren as she also receives counsel and help for her own heart and future. During this time we continue to look to God—He is our rock and comfort. We ask for your continued prayers for our entire family."

Most reports speculate that Josh is seeking treatment at Reformers Unanimous in Rockford, Illinois, a Christian, biblically-based recovery program.

"They are an incredible Christian based drug/ alcohol addiction program," Josh's parents Jim Bob and Michelle posted about the treatment center last October. "While there, we saw our good friends Godfrey and Launa Watson from Jamaica, too. Love supporting organizations and events like these."

WATCH: Josh Duggar Promised to Stay Pure and Give Wife Anna 'His Whole Heart' Before Wedding

Watch below.