EXCLUSIVE: Behind-the-Scenes With the 'Code Black' Stars in Medical Boot Camp!

If we're ever in a bind, we're turning to the cast of Code Black for help!

If we're ever in a bind, we're turning to the cast of Code Black for help!

ET was on set during Code Black's medical boot-camp, to watch the actors get a crash course in trauma technology, terminology and performing real-life procedures. (Not to worry, the CBS stars were practicing their life-saving skills on dummy patients!)

So what's the one aspect that Academy Award winner Marcia Gay Harden was struggling with the most? The tongue-twisting terminology!

"The terms are really hard you can't really do a good job if you don't know what you're talking about," Harden, who plays ER Residency Director Leanne Rorish, told ET. "There are a lot of terms and they come fast and furious because the show is docu-style, so we're here at boot camp and we're actually learning to do what we need to do."

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"Our actors and our producing and writing team are very committed to authenticity and so uniquely to our process is a very intensive immersion into real medical procedures," executive producer and real-life ER trauma doctor Ryan McGarry explained. "Our actors right now are doing various very complicated sometimes surgical procedures in real time with real gear."

"Real" is definitely the key word on the Code Black set. Not only are the actors learning the by-the-book medical procedures, the extras on set are real trauma nurses who help keep guide the actors through the chaotic scenes.

"The really great part of this show is they hire actual nurses to be our extras so they know exactly what's going on," star Benjamin Hollingsworth, who plays first-year resident Mario, said. "So they're like, 'Here's this!' and I'm like, 'Thank you' and pretend I know how to use it and I go."

Thanks to the Code Black's boot camp, actor William Allen Young feels confident that he's learning valuable skills that could help in an actual emergency. "The training is so intense you really feel like you could do this stuff if you were called on in a panic," he said.

"I could deliver a baby!" Harden added triumphantly.

Code Black
premieres Wednesday, Sept. 30 at 10 p.m. on CBS.