Will 'Hot Debate Guy' Pursue Modeling Next? Greg Caruso Speaks Out!

The mystery behind the hot debate guy has been solved!

It's good to be known for something.

ET caught up with Greg Caruso -- aka the hot guy from the last Republican presidential debate -- and we learned he's more than just a guy who looks positively dapper on camera.

"I just think it's hilarious," Caruso told ET of becoming an overnight sensation. "Obviously, I wasn't even a part of it and didn't say a word."

"I wont say my life has changed at all," he continued. "It's just been a crazy couple of days of excitement and fun, and just trying to take it for what it is and enjoy the ride."

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And Caruso already has some connections of his own! The son of a billionaire Hollywood real estate developer, the 24-year-old even knows Miley Cyrus' ex, Patrick Schwarzenegger, who was also at the debate.

"I know Patrick, we went to school together," Caruso revealed.

However, the young viral sensation insists he isn't going to simply rest on this moment or, as some would no doubt hope, pursue a modeling career. It turns out Caruso is actually an aspiring filmmaker, directing the documentary, Making the American Man.

"It's a documentary about American-made goods for men," he revealed about the project. "So we went around the country and interviewed makers of men's goods -- shoes, boots, jeans, grooming accessories."

Well, you certainly seem to be an expert in the field, Greg!

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And in case you were wondering, Mad Men is his favorite show because of course it is. In face, Caruso even revealed he had something of a crush on January Jones when the show first debuted!

"When I started watching, I was younger, January Jones was just the best," he revealed.

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There you have it, Hollywood. Let's make a Caruso-Jones meet-cute happen.

Politically, Caruso says he looks up to former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, and thinks Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina had the strongest showing during Wednesday's debate.

We tried to pay attention, but may have gotten a little distracted...

You're hot dude!

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