'The Walking Dead' Star on Glenn's 'Gruesome' Dumpster Scene and Why the Mid-Season Finale is the Most 'Intens


Get the exclusive scoop on what's to come in 'The Walking Dead's last episode of 2015.

Glenn is alive! Well, for now at least…

Thanks to last night's episode of The Walking Dead, we now know that Steven Yeun is officially still a part of zombie-killing cast, but for how much longer? This Sunday's mid-season finale of the smash AMC drama promises to be an adrenaline-pumping hour, jam-packed with guts, gore and, most likely, a few gruesome deaths.

So to find out what's next for Glenn and the gang, ETonline called up TWD newbie Katelyn Nacon -- who plays orphaned outsider Enid -- to get the scoop on keeping Glenn's survival a secret, and what's to come in The Walking Dead's last episode of 2015.

MORE: 'TWD' Star Steven Yeun Breaks His Silence on Glenn's Fate: 'I Feel Relieved'

Last night's episode was completely insane! How long have you known that Glenn was alive, and what was your initial reaction when you found out?
I found out when I got the script during this summer and I freaked out. Oh god, I freaked out so much. I love the character Glenn, so I was so excited, first off that he wasn't dead and secondly that Enid was going to be able to work with him. I couldn’t even tell anyone that I was working with Steven because then that would give it away that he was not dead. Even during the summer I couldn't say, ‘Oh yeah I get to work with Steven,’ because he was fake dead and I couldn't say anything. It was so hard.

Enid was very adamant about not wanting to return to Alexandria, so why do you think Glenn was so insistent upon bringing her back?
Yeah, you could obviously tell that she did not want to go back to Alexandria, I mean, she pulled a gun on him! So I think that him being so kind, it kind of triggered some kind of curiosity in her. Steven even talked about this on Talking Dead, it was more about not wanting to lose his humanity. It was something that he wanted to do and felt was right and he didn’t want to change that just because the world is changing. It's really hard for her because she's so closed off and doesn’t let people near her but I think deep down she kind of sees Glenn as this father-like or brother-like character to her. It may persuade her in what she's doing to have that bond that she hasn't had in a long time. That may subconsciously persuade her.


Steven Yeun mentioned on Talking Dead that shooting the dumpster scene was difficult because the rotting meat on set was absolutely disgusting. Was it just as bad as Steven described?
I tried to stay as far away as I could! [Laughs] But it was hot, so hot because that was on black pavement too and it was just ugh. The day that I was there and they were shooting some shots around the dumpster, oh my god it was horrible. I don’t know how they did that and I don’t know how the walkers did that because it was gruesome.

MORE: 'Walking Dead' Finally Revealed Glenn's True Fate -- And We’re Freaking Out!

We were able to learn a lot more about Enid this season, but she's still a very complicated character. How would you describe her?
She's got a really big and strong wall built around her, but every time someone builds a wall around themselves it's just because they're hiding the fear that is actually inside of them. I think as we go along and as she starts to meet new people, and interact with new people, her walls slowly start to crack and I think that kind of scares her. And so it kind of brings up this harsh attitude from her.

Enid is one of the slyest character's we've ever seen on the show. Do you think she was tipped off about the wolves' invasion into Alexandria?
I think Enid was, at least, kind of prepared if something would go awry because there's something about staying in such a nice and perfect community, you know that's not really going to last -- especially in that kind of world. So I think she always had an escape plan, like knowing where the keys are and having her backpack filled with supplies and everything, so that worse comes to worst she could just dash out of there when she needed to.

What's coming up next for Enid and Glenn in this Sunday's mid-season finale?
It's definitely going to be really intense because any kind of a finale for The Walking Dead is always really intense. It'll be interesting to see what they get themselves into because you know that Glenn won't give up whatsoever. He's a fighter, so we'll see how he perseveres through it and see how Enid reacts. I'm excited for the audience to get a different perspective on her and see past her exterior. It's just a really intense episode, and it's really exciting, and you'll definitely on the edge of your seat.

The Walking Dead's mid-season finale airs Sunday, Nov. 28 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on AMC.