Meet the Sorority Girl That Justin Bieber's Family Hired as a Nanny

This au pair is smokin' hot!

Every top Hollywood family has one -- a hot au pair -- and Justin Bieber’s is no exception.

Meet Taylor Ross, the beautiful Canadian sorority girl and nanny to Bieb’s younger siblings, Jaxon, 5, and Jazmyn, 7.

WATCH: Justin Bieber's Siblings, Jazmyn and Jaxon, Sing 'Baby'

Working for such a famous family definitely has its perks, which we can seen in her Instagram posts that have left us with total Insta-envy.

Like getting to jet-set around the world and share bikini pics with the most gorgeous backgrounds ever.

No, seriously. She gets paid for this.

Or having a photo of you and Justin Bieber being “liked” a million times.

And getting to hang out with cute kids doesn’t seem to be that bad, either.

WATCH: Ben Affleck’s Former Nanny Shows Off a Brand New Lexus

Oh, the life of the Bieber nanny…

Maybe if the Taylor had been there to supervise Bieber on his recent Mexico vacation, he wouldn't have got kicked out of the Mayan ruins for pulling his pants down.

Sometimes having a hot nanny isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Watch the video below to see what the nanny who reportedly had an affair with Ben Affleck is up to after her 15 minutes of fame.