Megyn Kelly's Reported Multi-Million-Dollar Book Set to Release in Time for Election

Megyn Kelly reportedly will release her first book in the fall, just in time for the 2016 presidential election.

Megyn Kelly reportedly will release her first book in the fall, just in time for the 2016 presidential election.

While some reports have appraised the book deal at $10 million, others have it in the $3-$4 million range. Either way, it's sure to stir up interest after her recent interactions with presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

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On Thursday, the Fox News journalist explained on The Tonight Show why she wouldn't back down after Trump took her to task for hitting him with tough questions during the first Republican debate last summer.

"I'm a member of the press, so we press and see if they're worthy," Kelly said to applause.

Then on Friday, Trump announced that he would be at the next Fox News debate on Mar. 3, where Kelly will be moderating. This comes after the business mogul skipped the Fox debate right before the Iowa caucus due to Kelly's involvement in it. Some have speculated that Trump's absence cost him votes in the caucus, where he finished second.

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"We'll just move our Trump questions from the last debate over to this debate if I get a chance to ask them," Kelly said on Good Morning America, before Trump's announcement.

Trump's presence in the debate could mean another heated exchange between with the debate moderator, but that may cause more stress for Kelly's husband, author Douglas Brunt, that Kelly herself.

"Doug is a very together guy, but he's human," Kelly told ET in January. "He loves me, so he's my top defender."