Terry Crews Gets Candid About His Porn Addiction: 'It Really Messed Up My Life'

The 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' actor talks openly about his obsession on social media.

Terry Crews is putting his past struggles behind him.

The former NFL pro turned actor has taken to social media, confessing to a pornography addiction that he says "ruined" his life.

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In a series of videos titled "Dirty Little Secrets" posted to his Facebook page, the Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor gets candid about how he beat the addiction in "many, many ways."

"For years, years, years, my dirty little secret was that I was addicted to pornography," Crews, 47, revealed, adding that his obsession began at age 12. "It really, really messed up my life in a lot of ways."

The third video, which Crews posted on Tuesday, discussed his time in rehab and detailed the emotions he felt towards his wife, Rebecca King-Crews.

"Once I got into therapy and started learning about guilt and shame, and the fact that shame tells you you are bad as opposed to something you did was wrong, I found that there was no way out of that," he explained. "Once you believe that you're bad, then all of a sudden every decision you make in your life kinda goes by that."

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Crews added that as he was battling the addiction, he felt a strong sense of "extremely dangerous" entitlement towards everyone around him, including his spouse.

"I felt the world owed me something. I felt like my wife owed me sex. I felt like everyone owed me," he said. "You find ways to self-medicate, to act out with pornography when you feel like your needs are not being met."

"I believed that I was more valuable than my wife as a human being, because I was a man," Crews continued. "And when you believe that you are more valuable than another person, you kinda feel like they owe you, and if they don't do what you tell them, then you're not good enough. I was wrong."

Crews confessed that his addiction was "killing his relationship," but once he got help, he came to realize everything he needed "was in Rebecca."

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"Every man out there desires intimacy," he explained. "Every time you look at pornography, it's a desire for intimacy. You are trying to fight your feelings of being alone by filling it with pornography in an attempt to feel like you are with someone and you know someone. But the problem is, pornography is an intimacy killer."

Dirty Little Secret part 3

Posted by Terry Crews on Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The White Chicks actor plans to continue posting more videos to Facebook, in hopes his stories will inspire others who are dealing with pornography addiction to get help and not be afraid to talk about it.

"I know that there's a lot of people that are going through this, but you have to be very, very careful," he advised. "Create a plan. Create a plan on how you're going to share with your wife, your girl, and don't blurt it out because there's a lot of recovery that needs to happen for you and her. My wife had to go to therapy, too, to deal with the psychological things that come from this."

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